
Upcoming Events at Saint John the Baptist



Mark My Words

Begins Saturday March 8th

A study of the Gospel of Mark, the first Gospel. Fr. John McGoldrick will be presenting a systematic introduction to the Gospel of Mark. Starting Saturday, March 8th, 9:30-10:30am in the Parish Hall This is a 5 week consecutive session. (No session on Saturday, March 22 due to Anointing of the Sick Mass)



Traveling Chalice Program

This is an exciting new program St. John the Baptist will be having. The program aims to assist parishioners to become aware and to pray for vocations and priests. The program will begin the week of March 16th. More details to come.



Anointing of the Sick

This sacrament gives special graces to those who are suffering illness and those 65 years of age or older. Saturday, March 22 11:00 am Mass. Luncheon 12:00pm to follow (reservations required)



Respect Life Ministry, Baby Bottle Drive

A little change-changes lives Pick up a baby bottle weekend of March 29-30 and fill it with coins and cash. Please return the bottles the following weekend. Thank you for your generosity.